Zidane LB
[Hidden Legends ]

Regular price $0.30 Sold out
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    Set Name: Hidden Legends
    Card Number: 24-117R
    Release Date: 2024-11-15
    Rarity: Rare
    Card Type: Forward
    Element: Wind
    Cost: 4
    Power: 5000
    Job: Tantalus Member/Thief
    Categories: IX,Theatrhythm
    Limit Break -- 1
    Zidane cannot be blocked by a Forward of cost 4 or more.
    When Zidane enters the field, your opponent puts the top 2 cards of their deck into the Break Zone. If both cards are of the same Element, draw 1 card.

    Non Foil Prices

    MINT/NM - $0.30
    SP - $0.30
    MP - $0.30
    HP - $0.30

    Foil Prices

    MINT/NM Foil - $0.90
    SP Foil - $0.90
    MP Foil - $0.80
    HP Foil - $0.80

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