[Promo Cards ]

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    Set Name: Promo Cards
    Card Number: PR-169/19-124L
    Release Date: 2024-04-27
    Rarity: Promo
    Card Type: Forward
    Element: Fire;Lightning
    Cost: 3
    Power: 8000
    Job: Scion of the Seventh Dawn
    Categories: XIV,DFF
    When Y'shtola enters the field, you may receive 1 point of damage. When you do so, until the end of the turn, Y'shtola gains Haste and "Y'shtola cannot be blocked."

    When either player receives a point of damage, choose 1 Forward opponent controls. Deal it 4000 damage.

    Foil Prices

    MINT/NM Foil - $141.10
    SP Foil - $134.00
    MP Foil - $127.00
    HP Foil - $112.90

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